The Enableists: It's Time for Jill Biden and Gisele Fetterman to be Held Accountable
Let’s start right now.
Happy Friday! I’m a bit tired today — too much celebrating last night after Elon Musk triumphantly took over Twitter and began making things right. Who knew bathing in liberal tears would be so exhausting?
Also, you all, I am shooketh by the candy corn poll results from Tuesday’s newsletter — you guys like it! You really like it. I, however, do not.
Anyway, as promised, I’ve gone on a bit of a rant written up some thoughts on Jill Biden and Gisele Fetterman. The left loves to accuse others of “ableism” — in fact, they used that very word earlier this week to deflect any criticism of John Fetterman’s cringe-inducing debate performance. Well, if we’re making up expressions, here’s one: enableists. Definition: Democrat political wives who willingly subject their ill husbands to public ridicule with the sole purpose of amassing political power. See: Jill Biden and Gisele Fetterman.
Have a great weekend, everyone, and I’ll see you back here on Tuesday.
Teri (
Jill Biden and Gisele Fetterman have a lot to answer for
Oh, go ahead and admit it. You’ve been thinking it, I’ve been thinking it, we’ve all been thinking it: What the hell is going on with these Democrat broads who are allowing their enfeebled husbands to be propped up, used and humiliated on the daily?
The enfeebled husbands, of course, are Joe Biden and John Fetterman, current lieutenant governor of — and Democrat candidate for the open Senate seat in — Pennsylvania. Their not-so-better halves are are The Toxicity Twins themselves, otherwise known as Jill Biden and Gisele Fetterman. These two have taken the concept of “enabling” to a new and utterly repulsive level.
More of us need to be calling them out on it. Let’s start right now.
Dr. Jill is well established in her position as First Enabler, having pushed her elderly and impaired husband to run for president in 2020, then standing by while he embarrassed himself in incoherent interview after incoherent interview (82 million votes, my arse). As a wife, she should have never let that happen. Her job is to love and protect her husband, a sacred duty she seems to have willingly abandoned.
As First Lady, things have only gotten worse. Joint appearances with her husband often turn uncomfortable, with Dr. Jill having to step in and stop her husband from talking gibberish, or physically guiding him, often in a visibly confused state, away from the podium. She has thrown her husband to the wolves of the Democrat party machine and appears to have absolutely no remorse about it.
Jill Biden has truly set the standard for political spouses who embrace trampling on their marriage vows in favor of their party’s political power.
Gisele Fetterman is newer to the Exploit Your Husband for Political Expediency game. The current Second Lady of Pennsylvania, Gisele Fetterman was born in Brazil, came to the US illegally as a child and became a naturalized American citizen after marrying. She is allegedly a close friend of Kim Kardashian’s and endorsed Elizabeth Warren for president back in 2016, so there’s that.
When her husband suffered a very serious stroke back in May, right before the primary, Gisele Fetterman left his bedside and gleefully took over his duties on the campaign trail. She barnstormed across the commonwealth, all the while downplaying the seriousness of his condition, telling Politico in June:
“Cognitively, he’s perfect and well on his way to a full recovery,” said Gisele Fetterman.
This is demonstrably false. It was false back in June and it is false now. John Fetterman is no where near being cognitively “perfect,” a fact that was on display this past Tuesday during the disastrous debate between Fetterman and his Republican opponent, Dr. Oz. To say it was painful to watch is an understatement. Fetterman was unable to clearly articulate any of his positions and seemingly didn’t understand many of the questions, despite having the aid of closed captioning technology.
Cognitively perfect he was not. And his wife aided and abetted his public humiliation.

In the wake of Fetterman’s excruciating debate performance, some have been comparing the situation to that of Woodrow Wilson and his wife, Edith, who became the de facto president when her husband suffered a severe stroke while in office. Edith took over performing many of her husband’s duties and deceived the public about the seriousness of his incapacitation.
The case of Gisele Fetterman — much like her toxic twin, Jill Biden — is even more insidious than that. She is guilty of not only duping the voters of Pennsylvania before the election, when they have the chance to avoid the looming catastrophe of a Senator John Fetterman, but also of parading her ailing spouse in front of the media and the voters when he clearly should be resting and receiving intensive therapy for his cognitive issues.
The chaotic worlds of the Bidens and the Fettermans collided last week when the president visited Pittsburgh to campaign with the Fettermans. While John Fetterman stood with a Bidenesque vacant stare, his wife fielded any questions thrown their way by the media.
When Biden took the mic, he did little to dispel the feeling that Gisele Fetterman is now the candidate, telling her:
"You're going to be a great -- a great lady in the Senate."
And there you have it. Amidst the gobbledegook, Biden said the unspoken part out loud. Gisele will do whatever it takes to install a Fetterman as the next senator from Pennsylvania, even if it means playing puppet master to her husband.
Led by Jill Biden and Gisele Fetterman, the new Democrat mantra seems to be: Marriage vows be damned! Abandon your humanity! Demean and degrade your spouse in the name of political power.
You know how I know this? Because only Democrats and their media lapdogs are okay with the spectacles that are John Fetterman and Joe Biden.
It’s pathetic, yet unsurprising.
Bottom line: Because Gisele Fetterman and Jill Biden have demonstrated their unwillingness to show their husbands a shred of humanity, we voters must. John/Gisele Fetterman must not be elected to the Senate. Similarly, Joe Biden, if he runs for reelection in 2024, must be voted out of the White House. The nonsense must stop.
And, who knows? Maybe a shellacking at the ballot box is just what is needed to get Gisele and Jill to take their roles as wives and caretakers a bit more seriously.
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From my GenX memory bank
I mean, we weren’t Victorian-era creepy, but we were creepy.
As long as they have a body in the room, the Democrats have achieved their goal. All they want is a political puppet!