Huge rally in nyc today

Hopefully more coming up

Ill post again if I can get info and pictures

No vax mandates


They are in nyc

But somethi g tells me its gonna be EVERYWHERE

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I live in Texas, with the covid Biden has allowed to cross over into the US, 80% of our hospitals are used by the immigrants, so I don't expect any less of Biden to deflect from the problems we have with the border, in opening borders, Afghanistan, leaving Americans behind, to mention he is over helping Newsom and Harris as well....when so much is going on in our country, not to mention floods...why wouldn't Biden try to deflect to a Mask Mandate and vaccines? I find it Biden's Norm....DEFLECT at all costs. He lied to get into the White House I would expect nothing less of him for our Country.

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I'm not surprised. This has been about power all along. Insisting upon hysteria rather than Trump's far more reasonable approach back at the beginning of all this in 3/20; insisting on masks, becoming shut ins, closing our businesses, ignoring the vast numbers of people who have already survived the virus (and have natural immunity, all of it. Getting rid of Trump through an election that was transparently bogus in its lack of transparency was only the first obstacle in the Progressive movement to fundamentally transform America into a docile, quiet people, ruled by fear.

It's kind of funny but very depressing how many 21st century Americans are actually superstitious rubes, allowing themselves to be ruled by an unreasonable fear. I'd say logic was dead but for sites like this and people like you all.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Smart Girl Politics

Where are all of you fabulous, critical thinking women? I need like-minded friends here in NoVA!! I’m reading all of these comments and I’m like, “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

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I'm here too!

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I'm in NoVA! Loony Loudoun County.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Smart Girl Politics

Hi all. I was a member of the old SGP until I left FB. Glad to be back.

To the topic, as rabid as Dems are abt forcing this vax I’m beginning to think there’s something more nefarious behind it. Biden is owned by China & I put nothing past the CCP.

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Me as well.....I don't have Facebook or Instagram any more....glad to see you send emails.

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Touche', I gave them up immediately.....I have friends abroad that I met years ago when I went to France and England, Spain. It saddens me but I gave them my email address to continue our friendships.....but it isn't the same. I just won't give Facebook my energy...time. It's too valuable to me.

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total and complete overstep of his powers.

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Smart Girl Politics

I taught Anne Frank in middle school and the history around it. This is exactly how Hitler was able to align his people. He pitted the people against the Jews. Biden has pitted the vaxed against the unvaxed. What's next? Vaxed turning the unvaxed into the authorities? Where are our conservative representatives ?? This is a very scary turn in gov't.

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I am 72 and I totally agree with you. My mother taught 45 years and I am glad she isn't here to see what has happened to our country. She wouldn't like it or what some teachers are doing. Really sad.

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My dad died a year ago this month at 98. I'm glad he's not here to see this. As a soldier in the Battle of the Buldge, he and another soldier doing reconnaissance happened upon and liberated a Jewish work camp. He never spoke of it until his 80's. He told me 30 years ago, "Mary, we are losing our rights." I didn't see it then. I do now.

It can not continue.

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Mary, I totally agree with your father.....I too come from a long line of Presidents, Governors, 1812 patriots.....2 signers of the Declaration of Independence.....they would probably turn over in their graves to see what Biden and the liberal left has done to this country. I am embarrassed totally with other countries due to Biden. We will never be the same country again.....very sad, scary.

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You bring up a very important issue, how we are viewed in the world. Our POTUS is weak and the evil countries know it. We are a sitting duck. It helps greatly that the American people have the right to bear arms. We must fight to keep that right.

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I have been a board of director for Crime Stoppers in Texas as well I have worked for Texas DPS.....I have had a CHL for over 21 years....never had to pull it or use it, but in my 70's, if anyone chooses to harm me or someone with me in my car, or home, they will have a huge surprise with this old granny. I moved North of Austin from Houston, gangs where plentiful so I was glad to have the CHL available to me when I moved here. It wasn't available during my years as a Board of Director when I had Cartel members follow me on the Interstates here, recruiting our teens. A lot of thought goes into carrying a weapon. I don't take it lightly at all...sometimes it can be a great burden, and I applaud police officers having to make that split second decision.....not always the right one, but when seconds count I understand it....not always but most of the time. Thank you Mary.

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Annette, I applaud you for taking matters in your own hands. My husband is a retired Border Patrol Agent, and many of our friends are in McAllen, TX. Crime has exploded and what most people don't know, the cartel is on OUR side now. They now threaten life if people don't vacate their tables at the country club, or the worse, they tell honest, hard working citizens they will sell their homes or they will die. This is not hyperbole. This is real, and this administration has allowed it, or even designed it. I am convinced, given their deaf ear to people in your area, the Biden Admin and the people pulling his puppet strings are trying to destroy America. Be safe. I pray for you and your area of the country.

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Wow, lots of good comments here. I was beginning to fear we were the only people who have not lost our ever loving minds yet. This is, and has always been, about control. I cannot believe the amount of people willing to inject themselves with some experimental drug for a mutated cold virus with almost a 100% survival rate. Maybe they are not aware that they are the long term study for such drugs? Or perhaps they have been watching too much “news” so the fear factor worked like a charm? Don’t even get me started on the complete ridiculousness of people wearing masks. What a stupid false sense of security. Where in the world has all the critical thinking gone?? None of these people have the presence of mind to question why C19 is being a forced vaccine but none of the vaccines like MMR, etc are not? And how one day masks are required, then nope don’t need them anymore, then just kidding you must wear them again, but if you are eating at a restaurant indoors your food is magical and protects you from the cold virus we want you to think has people falling over dead in the streets. Seriously people THINK. Let’s not even start talking about the crazy school indoctrinations going on. It all makes me think of the end of the movie Wall-E, everyone is sitting in their chairs drinking their sodas, eyes glued to screens, unaware the world has completely gone to shit around them. Wake up people. Wake up.

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Why was Locals a bust? I love it there

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Locals was a bust because it requires payment to join. It may still be an option -- I just need to see if I can set a tier that doesn't require payment.

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Ok I see the lack of replies on there. To be completely honest, I didn't even know you were on there, lack of exposure or knowledge etc is a problem. Plus the last post before it was from January. The successful locals communities are active almost daily to interact with the subscribers etc. I wish you the best wherever you go :)

Keep up the good work!

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This is a distraction from the colossal disaster in Afghanistan.

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The only way we all can preserve our individual rights is to follow David's advice. Everyone needs to watch & share share share this:


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I’m of two minds. Gut instinct is “NO! It completely violates our U.S. Constitution.” Followed by: “It’s so preposterous it might be subterfuge.” His recent actions have bordered on red-pilling the U.S. with outrageous actions. Can he be goading the comatose into pushing back? He extended Trump’s EO re foreign intervention slated to expire this week! Why? Controlled opposition?

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Southern Californian conservative unvaccinated gal here...we are definitely living in scary times! I weep for my children who got just a taste of what being an American was before everything went to hell. I'm willing to fight....I'm done with being compliant and saying that we'll change things at the next election. We don't have time! Look at my state! We are fighting to get rid of our terrible governor...we must be getting close because the worst of the left is coming to the state to spew their lies...friends, send $10 or whatever you can to the recall effort. Volunteer to make phone calls up until Tuesday. I can connect you up to a volunteer center...because I guarantee you...if we're successful in the recall effort, the democrats are going to be crapping their pants! And, maybe we'll start to see more grassroot efforts in other states...but if we lose, Newsom has already threatened that he's going to make our lives "miserable". Our lockdown and mandate of the jab has been happening the entire past 18 months...biden is doing what newsom has already mandated...WE MUST FIGHT! Sorry I'm rambling...but please...if you're in Southern California, I'm ready, willing, and able to meet up and plan next steps. I will stand on a corner at an intersection by myself with a sign if I have to....I'm going to fight for my kids, for my family, for you and for our country!!!!!!

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Jacobson v Massachusetts 1905

7-2 SCOTUS decision

The Court held that "in every well ordered society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand" and that "[r]eal liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own [liberty], whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others."

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Since all illegal border crossers coming in via Rio Grande are employees of Mexican drug cartels, they easily surpass 100-employee threshold. Presume Jabbin Joe's vaccine mandate now applies to illegals too.

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Unconscionable. And worrisome. I live in WA state -- Inslee is going to bend the knee even before the ink is dry. >_<

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I can't stand that dude and I hope he gets sued, quickly.

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With a 99.5% survival rate this is not truly a pandemic its a plandemic the great reset

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Smart Girl Politics

I pray that this wakes up some more people.

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In Tennessee, our organization ‘Tennessee Stands’ is active and growing.

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Is there a Facebook group for that?

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There is. I broke up with Facebook or i would link it for you. There are local chapters as well.

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I was vaccinated months ago and am very happy I was. I was inside, with no mask at a family gathering with my son in law, 43 in great health and fantastic shape who was diagnosed a day later with COVID. He had to go to the ER as he spiked a temp of 104, was given an IV of Dexamethasome sent home and he didn’t get out of bed for a week. My daughter who lives with him and the rest of us had been vaccinated, we were fine and didn’t get it.He’s fine now, except for the outrageous ER bill, had some immunity due to having it already, but he didn’t waste any time getting the vaccine when he could, as he told me that was the sickest he had ever been in his life.

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No one should be forced though!

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No one here is saying you shouldn't get vaccinated. The argument is against forced vaccinations with experimental vaccines.

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I have always taken this virus very seriously as I know of 10 people personally who have died from this virus, none were in a nursing home and close to death anyway, the youngest was just 44 who died on 10-26, in good health who left 3 kids and a wife behind. The last one early 50’s in good health who was anti-vaccine that spent 18 days in the hospital, took a turn for the worse, was on a ventilator for 3 days and died just 9 weeks ago in June. Sad.

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No one should ever be forced! What were all their underlying conditions with ages please

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And I'll ask for a third time: Which vaccines that are currently being administered in the US for COVID-19 have been approved by the FDA?

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Were you ever vaccinated against measles, chicken pox, mumps, TB, small pox, Hep C, polio or the yearly flu vaccines and have you ever had your pets vaccinated against rabies? This vaccine works as all vaccines do. They train your immune system to recognize the pathogen and make what it’s going to take to kill the pathogen. In this case the training lasts for 2 weeks after the last dose, the vaccine is then flushed from the body but the trained antibodies remain. The immune system doesn’t work like a bug zapper killing the pathogen on contact it works like a spider web to trap, contain and keep the virus from spreading throughout the body and kill it. There are antibodies that recognize the pathogen and alert the immune system to it’s presence, other antibodies that contain and keep it from spreading and multiplying in the person’s body ( the spider web) and other anti bodies that move in for the kill, ( the spider) and flush it from the body. It’s a whole team of antibodies that work in a coordinated effort to kill the pathogen . The great majority of those that are testing positive have live virus in their nasal and throat passages, it’s trapped in the spider web, it’s not going anywhere and they are people who are tested regularly for COVID like pro athletes, government employees, and members of congress. Most don’t know they have it as they aren’t sick with it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2021/07/21/covid-vaccine-breakthrough-infections/

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Try taking a course in Virology. Your lacking of understanding is shining so bright my eyes hurt.

MASKS don’t work. The size of a single virus is so infinitesimal that it easily passes through the fibers of a mask without even touching sides. Masks are only good for keeping your spit from hitting your neighbors.

FDA Approval. None, what the mainstream media reported that it was approved was false. Yes, it’s approved for EMERGENCY USE only.


It’s a virus, the cold and flu are viruses. It will always be in our lives because it mutates. This is where Virology 101 is required read for those who think that a shot or even four of them will stop it.

It won’t. IF, there had been no “vaccine” Covid would have played out and there would be NO variants. Unfortunately, a shot was deemed necessary by Big Pharma who have no background in virus control. Thus, we’ll have Covid on our planet forever and each variant will be resistant to the previous shot.

Just as the flu shot.

NOW, the more important issue at hand is why it is forced on Americans. I will not get the shot. No one can decide what goes into my body but me. It’s an outrage that while in Texas it’s now illegal for a woman to choose to have an abortion and Democratic Leaders are scrambling to restore that right and yet those same democratic leaders will try and FORCE me to get the shot. It’s not my body my choice when it’s Covid but it is when an abortion is wanted.

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This is not a vaccine its a shot like a flu shot

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I'll ask again: Which vaccines that are currently being administered in the US for COVID-19 have been approved by the FDA?

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I just told you, Pfizer has been fully approved by the FDA Moderno and J and J are in the works, ALL received emergency approval. The FDA has mountains of paper work from the vaccine makers to go through. What they have repeatedly warned against is Ivermectin, the horse dewormer that are now poisioning people across the country.

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That statement didn't age well.

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The one out now is not fda approved the one they approved won’t be available until 2022-23

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Did you even read right what I wrote?? Pfizer-Comirnaty has been approved but is not being given in the US. Pfizer-BioNTech is not FDA approved, but is being given in the US.

I'll keep it simple for you: No FDA approved shots are currently being administered in the United States.

And please educate yourself on Ivermectin. You sound foolish with the horse dewormer nonsense.

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This is called The Novel Corona Virus( novel means brand new) we have never in the history of man kind seen a virus that can be transmitted from someone who is totally asymptomatic ( no symptoms of illness) only to exhale and kill the person standing next to them.

What we know: Masks work to reduce the spread as this is a highly virulent, extremely contagious air borne virus that is contained in the microscopic droplets of moisture that people exhale. When you have two people wearing a mask it creates a double road block as the virus first has to escape the mask of it’s current victim, enter the air space and penetrate the mask of it’s next victim.

What we know: Vaccines work, they keep people with healthy immune systems out of the ER and hospital. The same as the flu vaccines, you may get a touch of the flu after having the flu vaccine but it won’t level you for weeks on end.

As we learn more about this brand new virus things and protocols will change, as now booster shots are being recommended just as flu shots are recommended yearly and rabies vaccines are recommended every 3 years for pets.

The reason; The rabies vaccine loses efficacy over time. The flu vaccine is tweaked as it mutates and loses it’s efficacy as well.

What we don’t know about this virus we could write a book on, but that doesn’t mean we throw out what we do know. We know masks, social distancing and vaccines work.

It’s going to take us years to understand how this virus has no effect on some people who present asymptotically and yet another person of the same age ,health history and health conditions it kills. That’s baffling.

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Also there is no vaccine for the flu its a FLU SHOT!

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The rabbies shot is not a vaccine its a rabies SHOT! Vaccines don’t need boosters again and again

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Masks are only 10% effective wow you need to research this

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Smart Girl Politics

When is enough enough for all of us who are opposed to govt overreach? The line in the sand keeps moving and we're not fighting back. We yell, Hey! That's not ok!, and then continue on as normal. These people continue to act like they have nothing to lose, with zero fear of reprisal.

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The public health has always taken precedence over the rights of the individual. For over 50 years our public schools have required proof of vaccine. The reason: We never want to see the re-emergence of measles, polio, small pox etc. deadly viruses of which COVID now joins the ranks and of which the great majority of the world has been vaccinated against.

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Not true, people have been able to get exemptions for their children, so not all children in schools are vaccinated against everything.

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You have zero clue what you're talking about. Save your CNN spoutings for fear-filled progressives who love nothing more than being controlled by govt.

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Remind me again which COVID vaccines have been approved by the FDA?

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Pfizer has been fully approved, Moderna and J and J are in the works. I remember when the Polio vaccine first came out, it was a brand new vaccine then too. Our parent’s didn’t hesitate they lined up their kids for blocks to get that as they didn’t want their kids growing up in an iron lung. I have always been pro vaccine as I had a great aunt who was crippled at the age of 8 that she was never independent and even needed help bathing the rest of her life.

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That's 100% incorrect. Comirnaty has been approved by the FDA, but is not currently being administered in the US. Pfizer-BioNTech has not been approved by the FDA, but is being administered in the US.

I'd appreciate you not spreading falsehoods here.

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Apparently they renamed Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty after it was approved. This from the FDA website.


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I'm torn between outrage and genuine fear. I remember when Trump was voted in and women were shrieking that it was going to be The Handmaid's Tale within six months. There was so much noise and drama and histrionics over nothing, and now... this?

Evidently my husband has to "attest" tomorrow to his place of employment (he works remotely and has for the last five years--we're in FL and the company he works for is in AZ) that he's not vaccinated, but they may force him to anyway because of this effing mandate.

Thankfully, Ron DeSantis is our governor, so with any luck he'll do something that overrules my husband's company policy.

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Did you hear when he said his number 1 job as POTUS is to protect Americans? What an idiot to say that after leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan. His writers are idiots.

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They know they can say whatever they want -- the media isn't going to hold them accountable.

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Sep 9, 2021Liked by Smart Girl Politics

I’m sorry locals was a bust - it required payment to comment and I can’t do that. I am vehemently opposed to forcible vaccination. Especially when the gov’t can’t get any facts straight. There are ‘experts’ on all sides telling us vaccine good/vaccine bad. I will decide what goes in my body, no one else!

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Thanks for the support

Im so very upset

Ill leave you now

Nice talking

And will check in

NY peeps pls respind

We can have a coffee on me 😘

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Irganize in order to PEACEFULLY provide legal and visible pushback

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Not advocating violent revolt

Only OEACEFUL expression of disagreement via rallies, speakers etc. to be CLEAR

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blasted :-)

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NYC here

Sorry I kinda bladted my way in here

But its gotten to the point where actions are needed

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Hi Oregon

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As seen on Telegram: USSS, FBI and DHS task forces were set up ahead of Biden remarks to monitor “violent revolt speech” online, per US official.

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I wonder why.

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Everybody knows this VACCINE is different from all previous

gain of function




I dint need to continue do I

Public health? Look at Israel

Of course we want public health

Just not a ministry of health CCP style for a 99% plus recovery virus


Ill check in here tomorrow

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Oregon here. Our Governor is the one Tucker Carlson railed on. Anything Sleepy Joe says she double downs on us. We’re in masks, and she spreads fear like Oregon Rain. For every mandate she lays down more and more people break free from fear and despise her. As for Biden, he literally disgusts me. Praying the SCOTUS over rules him.

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I know an elderly fine lady getting FIRED FROM A MUSEUM JOB

She tests etc but not vaccinated/former pharmacist/she is utterly aline and harmless

Its cruel and inhuman

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Also, can we talk about the left's freakout about the Texas abortion law? So much for "my body, my choice", eh?

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I don't understand it, at all. But, alas, I keep trying to apply logic.

If someone, heaven forbid, kills a pregnant lady that person would be charged with 2 counts of murder. How is abortion any different.

Also, if a doctor can pronounce you dead when your heart stops wouldn't life begin with one?

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Sep 10, 2021Liked by Smart Girl Politics

Loved your meme earlier today: The Left "Men can get pregnant" (huh?) vs The Left on Abortion. Nuts.

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Sep 9, 2021Liked by Smart Girl Politics

Right, hypocrites. Protect your fellow man but not unborn babies.

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The Public health has always taken precedence over the rights of the individual. For over 50 years our public school systems have insisted on proof of vaccine. The reason: we don’t ever want to see the re-emergence of measles, polio, small pox deadly viruses of which COVID now joins the ranks and of which I am certain everyone has been vaccinated against.

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If a child has had chickenpox, measles, etc. they are exempt from the vaccine mandates in schools. To follow the same guidelines as the other diseases you mentioned, I assume that you are okay with anyone who has had Covid bring exempt from any vaccine mandates. While I don't think ANYONE sound be mandated, we can at least agree that those with prior infection are exempt. I think you'll be surprised at how many people there are.

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Its not a vaccine its a shot like the flu shot

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Covid is over 99% survivable for most age groups. The lowest age group survivability rate is something like 96% for 70+ year olds? This is nothing like the other diseases you named!

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Hello, late to the thread but how about early treatment for Covid? Ivermectin has been getting the same treatment as HCQ. The “shot” is nothing I will ever take.

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Also, COVID is extremely survivable.

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The vaccine is not going to eradicate COVID-19. It's with us forever.

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The largest number of unvaccinated people are low income. This will be devastating for them.

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I just read 65% of blacks aren’t vaccinated.

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Pure Communism to the max. Extreme tyrannical overreach to the point of dangerous levels. Biden does NOT have the authority to do this. Evidently Dem Teacher's Unions pushed Biden to do this for donations. Military and private business will simply leave rather than take and ineffective and arguably detrimental FORCED gene shot. Every R and many Dems I know are livid at this and want R's to oppose this. Probably most disgusting part was right after his speech I heard McConnell's comments that vaccine and masks must be forced (just like Biden says) "because this is same as Polio." McConnell was supposed to be gone way back when we started Tea Party. He needs to be recalled now.

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Sept 13 4pm rally in Foley square nyc teachers for chouce


Or set up something similar

Im trying to help here

I can hear you girls frustration

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Other than the GOP governors who say they will fight back, all I'm seeing are Strongly Worded Tweets from Republicans. Ay yi yi.

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Sep 9, 2021Liked by Smart Girl Politics

Create a network inline //like that walk away guy Brandon something

So EVERYBODY shows up at rallues

Speakers like Frontline Docs and LEGAL speakers even invite Libertarians etc

Ughh I am wiped out here

Soooo mad

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The walk away guy, Brandon Stracha has disappeared. He was arrested for 1/6. I think he was released but seriously awol on social media. A very gifted leader. What happened?! He came to see us in Detroit after 11/3.

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You are not alone. Please remember that.

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Fascist: a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

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Its a correct description

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Don’t know whether to scream in anger or cry in sadness over what this fraud of a president and the evil cabal that is pulling the strings is doing to our country. Why the silence from our ‘elected’ representation? People who were installed don’t care about the non-elites. We all cave to mandates on vaccinations...then what is next?

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Remember the countries founders were a MINORITY

Anybody near NY please reply

I am fed up

Decent ex teacher here....

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Sep 9, 2021Liked by Smart Girl Politics

Smart Girls !!!

I remember you at Tea Party


Please exchange concrete ideas

This is a totalitarian crackdown

Have you seen Australia?

Do you remember East Getmany ?

Need lical meet-ups not just chat rooms

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YES WE DO!!! If I knew how to get the crowds of us together I would do it. We Need This Activated Now! Not next week.

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I hear you and am looking at some options for becoming more organized. Please feel free to make suggestions.

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And local contact ideas

Need to get into the streets imho

Also need ad campaign and networking

Need all that YESTERDAY

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Sep 9, 2021Liked by Smart Girl Politics



Rallies (peaceful)


Anybody near nyc ?

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Without a plan and SOLID NETWORKS they will puck us off one at a time, so to speak

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